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The Online Labour Index (OLI) is the first economic indicator that provides an online gig economy equivalent of conventional labour market statistics. It measures the supply and demand of online freelance labour across countries and occupations by tracking the number of projects and tasks across platforms in real time.

Online Labour Index worker supplement

Since July 2017, we also track where in the world online gig work gets done, by observing workers active on four major online labour platforms. The visualization below allows you to explore how the supply of different types of work is spread across the globe.

src: Otto Kässi, Vili Lehdonvirta, Online labour index: Measuring the online gig economy for policy and research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 137, 2018, Pages 241-248. [open access version]


An Oxford University study (1) , 17 Sept., 2013,  suggests that nearly half of American jobs will be threatened by automation over the next two decades. This is deeply felt in the workforce too, with 54% of the US workforce sayingthey were not confident their job would still exist in 20 years.  A combination of surveys from Intuit and LinkedIn tell us why gig workers and freelancers have made this a career choice:


  • A portfolio of clients is more reliable than a single employer: 63%

  • Earn more money and supplement income: 57%

  • Create and control their own work and schedules: 46%

  • Enhanced work and life balance: 35%

  • 41% of freelancers surveyed said that they also have a permanent job in addition to their freelance work.


knowing the trend of foreign direct investment in different country.

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